Don 2 is an upcoming Indian action thriller film directed by Farhan Akhtar. It is a sequel to the 2006 film, Don: The Chase Begins Again. The film stars Shahrukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra in the lead roles and also Om Puri, Lara Dutta and Kunal Kapoor in supporting roles. The film marks Farhan Akhtar's return to direction after a gap of nearly 5 years. it also marks Khan's return to playing villainous characters in lead roles since his earlier films like Darr and Baazigar and first sequel in his two-decade old career.
It is set to release on 23 December 2011, in both 2D and 3D[3] formats and will also be available in Tamil and Telugu languages.The film was shot in India, Germany, Malaysia and Switzerland.
It is set to release on 23 December 2011, in both 2D and 3D[3] formats and will also be available in Tamil and Telugu languages.The film was shot in India, Germany, Malaysia and Switzerland.
Songs ...
Zaraa Dil Ko Thaam Lo
Hai Ye Maya
Dushman Mera
The King Is Back (Theme)
Mujhko Pehchaanlo
Hai Ye Maya (Remix)
Mujhko Pehchaanlo (Remix)
The 'Don' Waltz